28 2014
everyone this is the last time I will write while on my mission
because in 8 days I will be home. I arrive home Tuesday October
7th around 6:30pm. For this last email I would like to first thank
everyone that has written me and listened to me write. The past 2
years have brought a lot of experiences that are both seen and
unseen. I would like to express some of the things that I have
learned over my mission. My family is great and I love them all, I am
so grateful for all the support they have given me.
the past 2 years my learning has taken a pattern, with each companion
I have had, and each area has brought new things to the table. It is
hard to express everything that I have learned along with people I
have cherished while teaching. Most of you will just have to interact
with me to see what I have learned, so feel free to call me, email
me, or meet with me in person. The companions I have had during my
mission are: Harrison Wardle, Ethan Jones, Brent Empey, Curtis Nokes,
Scott Moore, Caleb Brown, Austin Wade, Harrison Wardle, Michael
O'Neal, Blake Mullenix, Nathan Wainwright, Clayton Murdock, Cody
Jackson, Brent Empey, Trazer Sutcliffe and Alex Burbank from all
parts of the USA. I served in 4 main areas of Peoria Stake, Glendale
North Stake, Phoenix North Young Single Adult Ward, Deer Valley
Ward/Stake. Above all I was able to serve along with 100's of
missionaries both young and old to share the good news of Christ. By
counting the people and places I just mentioned I have learned over
20 different life lessons. I can't write about all of them at once
but instead I am going to try and live them.
all that I have learned while being on my mission I have grown most
importantly in my testimony of Jesus Christ. I know He lives and is
the head of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints directing
us through the Prophet Thomas S Monson. I know that Christ's
Atonement was perfect and through Him salvation is found, it is only
through Him. He is Good and wants us to act in this life upon
Holiness and righteous acts. And I love Him.
love you all as well!
Elder Leonhardt
See you all soon!!!
Sent from The Lord's iPad
Sent from The Lord's iPad