Monday, July 8, 2013

9 April 2013 Easter and Acts of Service

Dear Home,

I want to thank all of those who so graciously send packages to me and candy for Easter, it was all delicious. In fact so good that I gained 15 pounds from the candy this past week. No joke I have finally gained weight and 15 pounds of it! it was the greatest day when I found that out, I was at first thinking that the workouts that I have been doing each morning were working but then took another look and thought that the lack of the workout and the quantity of food being eaten was probably the real reason but its my story so I'm going to tell you the "positive side" of it. My arms are now massive. I actually have no idea what big arms are like, I've always had small ones.

Yesterday has a very weird day. As we left the house there was a dust storm outside and very hard to ride in on the bikes without your eyes being filled with sand and dust from the air. Soon everything had dust on it and the winds just kept blowing. to add to that later in the day it started to rain and everything that had dust on it soon became muddy and that included us and our clothes and car sitting at home. We have allot of stuff to clean today. Mormon Car wash - We take $5 donations.

Lately we have been trying to ask everyone for acts of service that we could do and at first we weren't getting any takers but now we are getting it from everyone. We have to schedule service projects and ask people to come help us because there is so much work to do which is great, but difficult because everyone wants to do it the same day at the same time.. Have have to been in 3 different places at the same time helping 3 groups of people move and excavate. It really is a blessing though because its been our goal to get many people involved with service and out of their homes to assist those around them with physical needs and in return the one being helped receives a joy that is hard to find in other situations other than in service being done for yourself. We want to get a couple community service projects going so that people can get out from the solitary confinement of their home and meet people while exercising a little. I truly love doing service. This all was started by a motive given to us by some of the other missionaries, for those that know Zone Leaders - assigned missionaries over a group of missionaries, to talk WITH people rather than TO people. We have had the most interesting conversions with people including one high schooler who was on her way to a fashion show. Talked to her about her likes and what not and lead us to talking about families being held together just like how a fashion club runs and how families can be together forever after death. She was interested and wants us to talk with her whole family sometime. In an hour we only got to talk to 4 people because everyone we talked to we were able to hold great conversations with. So I'm going to extend the same commitment I have taken in. Will you talk with someone you have never talked to before and talk to them about the things they are interested in for more than 15 mins and become their friend. Then try to see what parts of their life need the gospel.

I love you all and hope all is precious to you.

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