Monday, October 7, 2013

7 October 2013 "Stop. Say a Prayer. It makes what is wrong, right."

7 October 2013

Had a really cool experience last week I want to share. As a district leader I direct a 1 1/2 hour meeting with 10 total missionaries weekly about gospel topics that are assigned and lead a practice of how to apply the learning we have. I have gotten the hang of it and was doing fine leading things each week until last week when I was all mixed up with different things that had to be set up and some people that weren't moving as fast as I needed them to. In the mess of things I forgot the outline to the whole district meeting back at my apartment. I soon became a little frustrated and flustered. I was not in the best set of mind to direct this meeting so I said a prayer that God would help me remember all my notes for the lesson and what things I had asked people to do to participate in the meeting. I made the decision that I would stop worrying and just do what I can. I thought step by step to what was needed and all of a sudden great conversation was going on. I remembered who was doing what and where to go after each thing I talked about. The lesson was one of the best I have directed and the most heart felt one too. When the meeting ended I felt satisfied that I was able to do my best and my part and that none of that was because of me. It was all the Lord. I learned that often I try to see what I can do with my talents instead of relying on the Lord to take care of it and doing that which He wants you to do. Focus on Him and I promise things will be accomplished, it might not be in the most elegant way but it will be accomplished.

General Conference was this past weekend and it was a good one. Missionaries often talk about General Conference as the super bowl because its the most exciting and game changing event in our mission. We (missionaries) normally all gather at the Stake Center (chapel) to watch it. Lots of things were gained from watching it but most important above all was my reconfirmation that Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet of God. It happened right after he talked in the later session and the choir sang "We thank thee oh God for a Prophet." As they were singing I felt this huge wave of energy and peace come that I have felt before as I normally feel the spirit but this time it drove me to the edge of tears. Still a man and didn't cry though ;). I thought how wonderful it is that just as it was in the bible where prophets were the mouth pieces of the Lord giving us added guidance we have one today continuing the pattern that God has established. I knew he was a prophet before but now I KNOW and I am so grateful.

Later this day 10 missionaries and I are getting together for a district preparation day activity. We are chasing pigs! I will send pictures when I get them!

Sincerely, Elder Caleb Leonhardt

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