Monday, June 2, 2014

May 26, 2014 "Thank you Vets!"

Since today is one of my favorite holidays I wanted to talk about why
those who serve this country are so important to me. First off I want
to thank my Grandpa Harold Laube, Bob Purkapile, Bob Fortier, the
Lemm's, those from school that I know, and the many more that I know
and respect for their devoted service. I haven't gotten the
opportunity to ask many military personnel the question of, "Why did
you serve?" Not that the answer whether it is a good reason or not is
important but to see why they were willing to sacrifice time, their
focus, and put their lives on the line for people they didn't know.
But I am guessing the responses would be short. I know this day of
respect is pointed more towards veterans but I want to include a few
other groups of people that I feel should be added in. Those would
include our Police Officers and Firefighters. In their line of
profession they resist opposers to our country from with in and bring
order so we all can live life with peace. They are like our bodies
immune system, fighting from within. Thank you all for the service you
provide and examples you set, whether your name is mentioned or not.

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